SAP S/4 HANA新变化-MM物料管理
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SAP S/4 HANA新变化-MM物料管理



Co-Deployment of SAP SRM  集成SRM

The functional scope of SAPSupplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM)will gradually be made available within SAP S/4HANA. The related functions willbecome part of the procurement solution of SAP S/4HANA. In the first release ofSAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition a limited functional scope might be availablecompared to SAP SRM. The coverage will grow over time. Technically, theprocurement solution within SAP S/4HANA is not a successor to the SAP SRMcomponents. Therefore, the SAP SRM software components and SAP S/4HANA cannotbe installed on the same system. Technically, it is not a co-deployment, but inthe future the procurement solution will evolve to take over the SAP SRMfunctions.


Customers with SAP SRM and SAP BusinessSuite on one server need to re-implement the rocurement processes on the SAP S/4HANA, on-premiseedition system which have been used on SAP Business Suite sourcerelease withinthe SAP SRM installation. It is not possible to install the SAP SRM softwarecomponents within the SAP S/4HANA stack. The functional scope of the newprocurement solution available with the first release of SAP S/4HANA is notidentical with the SAP SRM functions.

SAP Note: 2216943


Co-Deployment of SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SAP SLC)

The goal is that - over time - thefunctional scope of SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SAP SLC) will be availablewithin the SAP S/4HANA stack. Customers who have deployed SAP SupplierLifecycle Management on SAP ERP and want to migrate to S/4HANA can continue touse those parts of the SAP SLC functionality that have been integrated into theS/4HANA Core and are referred to as "Supplier and CategoryManagement". For the functional differences, see simplification itemDedicated SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SAP SLC) business processes.Customers who have been using a standalone SAP SLC system can continue to useit, but have to use MDG-S for supplier data integration. For more information,see simplification item Dedicated SAP Supplier Lifecycle Management (SAP SLC)business processes.


The functional scope of Supplier and CategoryManagement in SAP S/4HANA is currently not identical with the SAP SLCfunctionalities.

Master categories in purchasing category are notavailable. As a successor, material groups are available in purchasingcategories.

SAP Note:Implementation 2186288 Description 2187627



 Vendor evaluation based on LIS

The current vendor evaluation basedon Logistics Information System (LIS5) is still available with SAPS/4HANA,on-premise edition 1511, but is not considered the target architecture6. We recommend that you use the SAP HANA reporting capabilitiesfor vendor evaluation based on CDS views and smart business technology.

SAP Note: 2228247


Subsequent Settlement - Vendor Rebate Arrangements

In SAP S/4HANA, the Subsequent Settlement(MM-PUR-VM-SET) application is replaced by the new Contract Settlement(LO-GT-CHB) application. For this reason, the functional scope of subsequentsettlement has been restricted, that is, in SAP S/4HANA, it is no longerpossible to:

? Create new rebate arrangements usingtransaction MEB1 or

? Extend existing rebate arrangements usingtransactions MEBV / MEB7 / MEBH

Additionally, as a consequence of thematerial field length extension in the SAP S/4HANA landscape, the structure oftable S111 was adjusted. This can have some impact if the business volume datahas to be rebuilt in the SAP S/4HANA system.


In SAP S/4HANA, Contract Settlement replacesSubsequent Settlement, which means that existing rebate agreements can only beprocessed up until the end of the validity date of the agreement and must thenbe closed by a final settlement. Afterwards new agreements can only be createdbased on condition contracts.

Furthermore, if recompilation of the businessvolume data in SAP S/4HANA, on-premise edition 1511 is required, the indextable S111 has to be rebuilt as described in SAP Note 73214 (Subseq.settl.:

Retrospec.compltn/recompltn of busin.vol.data).

Transaction not available in SAP

S/4HANA on-premise edition 1511


 In SAP S/4HANA there are no direct activitiesrequired for continuing the business process for subsequent settlement, withthe only exception that the agreements have to be closed after the end of thevalidity period.

If a recompilation of the business volume data isrequired, the table S111 has to be rebuilt with the report RMEBEIN3 asdescribed in note 73214

Conversion Pre-Checks SAPNotes: 2194923, 2215220

Related SAP Notes SAP Note: 73214


Output Management Adoption in Purchase Order

With SAP S/4HANA a new Output Management approachis in place. By design, the new output management includes cloud qualities such as extensibility enablement, multi tenancy enablement and modification free configuration. Therefore, the complete configuration differs from the configurationthat is used when output management is based on NAST. The configuration isbased on BRF+ which is accessible for Customers. In SAP S/4HANA, the target architecture is based on Adobe Document Server and Adobe Forms only. For theform determination rules (along with other output parameters) BRF+functionality is used (in this sense in combination with the message determination).


Output management based on NAST is no longer supported for new documents in purchase order.

Purchase orders which are migrated from legacysystems and for which NAST based output has been determined, can be processedwith this technology. For all new purchase orders the new output management isused. Therefore in Procurement for purchase order there is a need to adapt the configurationsettings related to Output Management.

In purchase order it is recommended to use AdobeForms but due to compatibility the form

technologies known from Business Suite (likeSmartForms, SapScript) are supported as well. This is also true for the printreports.

In Purchase order processing it is recommended touse Adobe Forms but due to compatibility the form technologies known fromBusiness Suite (like SmartForms, SapScript) are supported as well.

This is also true for the print reports.

In contrast to the output management based onNAST the new output management supports only the Channels PRINT, EMAIL, XML(for Ariba Network Integration) and IDOC (for on premise). Other channels arenot supported by default.

Additional information to the new outputmanagement in SAP S4/HANA can be found in the general simplification itemrelated to Output Management (Cross Topic Area)


Output Management for Purchase Order has to beconfigured. In cases where there is not customerspecific configuration for thenew output management for purchase orders, it will not be possible to printpurchase orders or to send purchase orders via e-mail or XML.


Availability of Transactions in MM-IM


The following transactions for entering anddisplaying goods movements (material documents) - called"MB transactions" (below) are not available with SAP S/4HANA. In SAPS/4HANA the single-screen generalized transaction MIGO is available :

· MB01, MB02, MB03, MB04, MB05, MB0A, MB11, MB1A,MB1B, MB1C, MB31, MBNL, MBRL, MBSF, MBSL, MBST and MBSU 以上TCODE不能使用了

The transactions MMBE_OLD (Stock overview), MMBE(Stock overview), MB51 (Material Document List), MB52

(Display Warehouse Stocks of Material) and MB5B(Stock at posting date) are still available but will be not available midterm. Successor functionalities arealready available as Fiori applications and/or as Virtual Data Model (VDM) to be consumed by SAP Lumira or SAP Design Studio:

· MMBE_OLD: Fiori application Stock – SingleMaterial, VDM view C_MaterialStockActual

· MMBE: Fiori application Stock – Single Material,VDM view C_MaterialStockActual

· MB51: Fiori application Material DocumentsOverview

· MB52: Fiori application Stock – MultipleMaterials, VDM view C_MaterialStockActual

· MB5B: Fiori application Stock – MultipleMaterials, VDM view C_MaterialStockByKeyDate





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